10006 This software was locked with InterLok from PACE Anti-Piracy
10007 Authorization Required
10008 Challenge/Response
10009 Enter Card Information
10010 Software License Agreement
10011 Thank You!
10012 Hard Disk Install
10013 Key Diskette Required
10014 License Period Expired
10015 License Period Warning
10016 Order by phone
10017 Payment Information
10018 Print/Fax Order Form
10019 Online Purchase
10020 Purchase by Phone
10021 Reauthorization Required
10022 User Information
10023 Select Destination Hard Disk
10024 Select Items for Purchase
10025 Select Purchase Method
10026 Serial Number
10027 Thanks for trying ^product!
10028 Thanks for trying ^product!
10029 Welcome!
10030 Waiting for Authorization
10031 This trial version was created with InterLok from PACE Anti-Piracy
10032 %x
10033 at midnight tomorrow
10034 at midnight tonight
10035 %A
10036 The ^required_field you entered is invalid. Please correct it and try again.
10037 Field Invalid
10038 Please enter your ^required_field to continue.
10039 Field Required
10040 * Authorized with a valid response.
10041 * Installed authorization from the key diskette to ^auth_drive. Your key diskette has a remaining count of ^hdi_counts_left out of ^hdi_max_counts.
10042 * Inserted an authorized key diskette.
10043 * Performed an online purchase.
10044 * Performed an online registration.
10045 * Performed a phone purchase.
10046 * Reauthorized ^auth_drive without using a count.
10047 * Authorized with a valid serial number.
10048 * Started a trial period.
10049 in ^fixed_date_days_remaining days (midnight on ^fixed_date_expiration_date)
10050 at midnight on ^fixed_date_expiration_weekday (^fixed_date_expiration_date)
10051 Your ^product key diskette is required at this time. Please insert the diskette into any available drive and press "OK".
10052 in ^license_days_remaining days (midnight on ^license_expiration_date)
10053 at midnight on ^license_expiration_weekday (^license_expiration_date)
10078 ^trial_period_expiration_phrase or ^trial_launch_expiration_phrase
10079 after ^trial_launches_remaining more uses
10080 after one more use (not including this one)
10081 after this use
10082 in ^trial_period_days_remaining days (midnight on ^trial_period_expiration_date)
10083 at midnight on ^trial_period_expiration_weekday (^trial_period_expiration_date)
10084 %x
10085 VISA
10086 MasterCard
10087 American Express
10088 Other Card
10089 unknown
10090 The return code for your order is ^ilinet_return_code.
10091 Your order number is ^ilinet_order_number.
10092 Your order will be shipped by ^ininet_carrier.
10093 Your order or authorization will be shipped by e-mail.
10094 You should receive your order within ^ilinet_delivery_estimate_phrase.
10095 You should receive your order or authorization within ^ilinet_delivery_estimate_phrase.
10096 one day
10097 ^ilinet_delivery_num days
10098 one week
10099 ^ilinet_delivery_num weeks
10100 one business day
10101 ^ilinet_delivery_num business days
10102 one business week
10103 ^ilinet_delivery_num business weeks
10104 The product you requested is on back order, but it should be available within ^ilinet_delivery_estimate_phrase. You will not be charged till the order is filled.
10105 The total cost of your order is ^ilinet_total_cost.
10106 The total sales tax for your order is ^ilinet_total_tax.
10107 Shipping and handling is ^ilinet_total_shipping.
10108 ^ilinet_error
10109 ^ilinet_error
10110 ^ilinet_server_message
10111 Initializing connection...
10112 Looking for server...
10113 Connecting to server...
10114 Processing request...
10115 Closing connection...
10116 Select Registration Method
10117 Online Registration
10118 Register via Mail or Fax
10119 * ^ilinet_registration_result
10120 true
10121 false
10122 ^product Registration Card
10123 ^product RegCard.RTF
10124 rtf
10125 Rich Text Format (*.RTF)
10126 *.RTF
10127 Select file to save registration card to
10128 |22|Drive
10129 ^product will run on any authorized hard drive without requiring the key diskette. You have a remaining authorization count of ^hdi_counts_left out of ^hdi_max_counts.You may now install or remove authorization for any available hard disk.
10130 This key diskette was previously used to authorize your hard disk. As a result, your hard disk has been reauthorized without using an authorization count from your key diskette.
10131 Authorization to run ^product has been successfully installed on ^auth_drive. Your key diskette has a remaining authorization count of ^hdi_counts_left out of ^hdi_max_counts.
10132 Authorization to run ^product has been removed from ^auth_drive. Your key diskette has a remaining authorization count of ^hdi_counts_left out of ^hdi_max_counts.
10133 Authorization to run ^product has been removed from ^auth_drive. The authorization count was not incremented because this key diskette was not originally used to authorize your hard drive.
10134 Authorization Successfully Installed
10135 Authorization Successfully Removed
10136 Purchase Limit Exceeded
10137 The purchase limit of ^product_purchase_limit for this item has been exceeded. Please enter a smaller quantity.
10138 * No registration or authorization actions performed.
10139 Challenge/Response was not selected as an authorization method for this software.
10148 Install Authorization from License Card to iLok
10149 Remove Authorization from iLok to License Card
10150 Set iLok Password
10151 Specify iLok Password
10152 Authorization to run ^product has been successfully installed from your license card to your iLok (serial number ^ilok_serial_number).
10153 Authorization to run ^product has been successfully removed from your iLok (serial number ^ilok_serial_number) to your license card.
10154 * Installed authorization from a license card to the iLok.
10155 * Removed authorization from an iLok to a license card.
10156 * Specified a password for an iLok.
10157 * Established a new license period.
10158 http://www.paceap.com/ilwebdnld.html
10159 << Challenge unavailable! >>
10160 Error while accessing the license card.
10161 Do you have an iLok smart key?
10162 Waiting for response from server...
10163 unknown
10164 Wrong Password.
10165 Software expiration warning.
10166 This software is expired.
10167 Challenge unavailable.
10168 Set password failed.
10169 Registration incomplete.
10170 Invalid serial number.
10171 Invalid response to this challenge.
10172 Unable to remove authorization.
10173 Unable to connect to purchase server.
10174 Unable to load "InterLok(R) Engine" shared library.
10175 Unable to complete internet activation.
10176 Clock error detected.
10177 * Installed authorization to the iLok.
10178 * Removed authorization from the iLok.
10179 %X on %x
10180 It appears that your computer's clock was set back. This is not permitted because this copy of ^product is licensed for a limited time. To run this software, your clock must be set to ^license_earliest_date or later.\n\nSelect "Quit" to correct your clock and try again. Note that if you have traveled to a different time zone, try setting the Time Zone instead of adjusting the time.\n\nIf you cannot reset your clock or if you feel you have reached this warning in error, select "Renew" to authorize a new license period.\n\nOtherwise select "Continue" to run this software up to ^license_grace_launch_count more times outside of the license period.
10181 It appears that your computer's clock was set back. This is not permitted because this copy of ^product is licensed for a limited time. To run this software, your clock must be set to ^license_earliest_date or later.\n\nSelect "Quit" to correct your clock and try again. Note that if you have traveled to a different time zone, try setting the Time Zone instead of adjusting the time.\n\nIf you cannot reset your clock or if you feel you have reached this warning in error, select "Renew" to authorize a new license period.\n\nOtherwise you may run this software outside of the license period one last time by selecting "Continue".
10182 Authorization to run ^product has been successfully updated from your license card to your iLok (serial number ^ilok_serial_number).
10183 Authorization Successfully Updated
10184 * Established a license period that ends at midnight on ^license_expiration_date.
10185 Activations.txt
10186 Date Publisher Product Challenge Response Serial number\n
10187 %c
10188 <<Not Applicable>>
10189 %s %s %s %s %s %s\n
10190 * Authorized this system with valid license file.
10191 Invalid license file.
10192 License File
10193 Smart Card
10194 * Authorized this system with valid smart card.
10195 Invalid smart card.
10196 Unknown Product
10197 * Installed a demonstration iLok.
10198 iLok authorization required.
10199 Unknown Publisher
10200 The license file for "^product" has been successfully installed.
10201 * Installed an expired demonstration iLok.
10202 less than a
13000 This demo message is unimplemented
13001 This is an unlimited trial
13002 This trial has expired
13003 This trial will expire on ^trial_period_expiration_date
13004 This trial will expire after ^trial_launches_remaining more uses
13005 This trial will expire after 1 more use
13006 This trial will expire in ^trial_period_days_remaining days
13007 This trial will expire in ^trial_period_days_remaining day
13008 This trial will expire on ^trial_period_expiration_date or after ^trial_launches_remaining more uses
13009 This trial will expire on ^trial_period_expiration_date or after 1 more use
13010 This trial will expire in ^trial_period_days_remaining day or after ^trial_launches_remaining more uses
13011 This trial will expire in ^trial_period_days_remaining day or after 1 more use
13012 This trial will expire in ^trial_period_days_remaining days or after 1 more use
13013 This trial will expire in ^trial_period_days_remaining days or after ^trial_launches_remaining more uses
13014 Invalid License File.
13015 This file does not contain valid license data and cannot be used.
15000 A required DLL file, %s, was not found.
15001 Error Starting Program
15002 ID: %s : %s / %s : %ld
15003 An unexpected DOS error %ld occurred.
15004 An unexpected error %ld occurred.
15005 The current operation couldn't be completed because of insufficient memory (requested %lu bytes).
15006 The current operation couldn't be completed because of insufficient memory.
15007 The response entered is incorrect. Press "OK" to enter a new response or "Cancel" to continue.
15008 The response entered is incorrect. Authorization for this software can't be installed until the correct response is provided.
15009 The serial number entered is incorrect. Press "OK" to enter a new serial number or "Cancel" to continue.
15010 The serial number entered is incorrect. Authorization for this software can't be installed until the correct serial number is provided.
15011 The current operation couldn't be completed because your disk is full. Please free up disk space and try again.
15012 An unexpected authorization error %ld occurred.
15013 You are required to install authorization from your key diskette to your hard disk at this time. Please insert the key diskette and press the "OK" button. If you have no remaining authorization counts, contact technical support.
15014 The current operation couldn't be completed because of an internal authorization error. Please contact technical support.
15015 Authorization for this software can't be installed because this key diskette is corrupted.
15016 A component required to run this software is missing. Please reinstall from the original distribution.
15017 Authorization for this software can't be installed from this key diskette because there are no remaining authorization counts. Please try again with a different key diskette.
15018 Authorization couldn't be removed because no authorized hard drives were found.
15019 The response you specfied is expired. You need a new response in order to continue using this software.
15020 The serial number you specfied is expired. You need a new serial number in order to continue using this software.
15021 The current operation couldn't be completed because no write-enabled hard drive was found on your system.
15022 Error
15023 Authorization Error
15024 Out Of Memory
15025 Operating System Error
15026 An unexpected Windows error %ld occurred.
15027 Couldn't connect to the clearing house to process your order.
15028 A problem occurred while communicating with the clearing house. Your order has not been processed.
15029 The credit card information you provided is incorrect. Your order has not been processed.
15030 The transaction was denied by the clearing house. Your order has not been processed.
15031 The product ordered is not known to the server. Your order has not been processed.
15032 The product ordered is not currently available. Your order has not been processed.
15033 The product price is incorrect. Your order has not been processed.
15034 The challenge specified is invalid. Couldn't generate a response.
15035 The serial number specified is invalid. Couldn't process the order.
15036 Information required to complete the order is missing. Your order has not been processed.
15037 Unknown error from the server. Your order has not been processed.
15038 The response received from the internet transaction incorrect. Authorization for this software can't be installed until the correct response is provided.
15039 The serial number received from the internet transaction is incorrect. Authorization for this software can't be installed until the correct serial number is provided.
15040 This key diskette was mastered with an older beta version of InterLok PC and must be recreated with the latest version.
15041 The URL of the processing server is malformed. Your order has not been processed.
15042 Could not connect to the server. Your order has not been processed.
15044 Couldn't create the key diskette because a signature with the same signature location already exists here. If you are interested in adding a new signature to this key diskette, then please select a different signature location in the "Key Disk" options. Otherwise perform a full format on the diskette and try again.
15045 Key diskette creation failed because a malformed signature is already present on this diskette (perhaps the diskette was duplicated using a tool other than DiskFactory.) Please perform a full format on this diskette and try again.
15046 This software is unable to run on the current operating system.
15047 Drive (%c:) cannot be accessed because it is in use by another process. Please close all files and windows associated with the drive and try again.
15048 Invalid Key Diskette
15049 This diskette isn't a valid key diskette. When prompted, please eject this diskette and insert a valid key diskette.
15050 The new password you specifed doesn't match the confirmation password. Please try again.
15051 The old password that you specified was incorrect. Please try again. Note that if your iLok has no password, leave the old password field blank.
15052 Unable to remove authorization from the iLok. The iLok installed does not contain the authorization for this software. Please install the correct iLok.
15053 Unable to authorize using an iLok because this system does not support USB. If you wish to use an iLok for authorization, please install USB hardware and a version of Windows that supports USB (i.e. Windows 98 or Windows 2000) as needed.
15054 The license card you inserted cannot be used with this iLok. Please remove the license card and insert the correct one.
15055 An error occurred while communicating with the license card. Please remove and reinsert the license card.
15056 You cannot move the authorization from the iLok to the license card. The authorization is locked.
15057 You cannot move the authorization from the iLok to the license card.
15058 The license card you inserted does not contain authorization for this software. Please remove the license card and insert one that contains an authorization.
15059 You cannot move authorization to the license card because the card is full. Please insert another license card.
15060 That's another bad password. Seems like you're guessing.
15061 The challenge for your iLok is unavailable. This can happen if the challenge was originally generated while the iLok was attached to another machine. If you have already received your response, then you can ignore this message.\n\nOtherwize if you need to see your challenge, please move the iLok back to the machine where the challenge was generated.
15062 Some of the required registration fields are empty. Please enter valid data in the fields that are marked in red.
15063 Unable to remove authorization from the iLok. The iLok installed does not contain the authorization for this software. Please install the correct iLok.
15064 ^message_fixed_date_warning
15065 ^message_fixed_date_expired
15066 This software could not be opened because it has been modified, possibly by a virus. Please run a virus scan and reinstall this software.
15067 The specified URL was invalid. Please contact ^publisher.
15068 The "iLokDrvr.sys" driver appears to be corrupted. Please reinstall this software and try again.
15069 The "ilinet.dll" shared library appears to be corrupted. Please reinstall this software and try again.
15070 The password you specified was incorrect. Please try again. Note that if your iLok has no password, leave the password field blank.
15072 The internet activation server's name could not be found.\n\nPress OK to manually activate your software.
15073 The internet activation server could not be reached.\n\nPress OK to manually activate your software.
15074 The internet activation server refused the connection (HTTP status ^status_string).\n\nPress OK to manually activate your software.
15075 You do not have access to the internet activation server (HTTP status ^status_string).\n\nPress OK to manually activate your software.
15076 The URL could not be found on the internet activation server (HTTP status ^status_string).\n\nPress OK to manually activate your software.
15077 This application is configured for automatic internet activation, which is only available on MacOS System 8.6 or greater. \n\nPress OK to manually activate your software.
15078 The internet activation server is not configured properly.\n\nPress OK to manually activate your software.
15079 The internet activation server returned a server error (HTTP status ^status_string).\n\nPress OK to manually activate your software.
15080 The internet activation server returned an error (HTTP status ^status_string).\n\nPress OK to manually activate your software.
15081 The internet activation server returned an unknown error (^activation_error_number).\n\nPress OK to manually activate your software.
15082 Your clock is set to a date that is inconsistent with the release date of ^product.\n\nPress "Cancel" to exit ^product and adjust your clock setting.\n\nPress "OK" to ignore this warning and continue.
15083 The internet activation was cancelled.\n\nPress OK to manually activate your software.
15084 Authorization cannot be installed to the iLok (serial number ^ilok_serial_number) because it is full. Please install another iLok and try again.
15085 An error (^error_number) occurred while communicating with the iLok.
15086 License Period Problem
15087 To run this software, your clock must be set between ^license_earliest_date and midnight ^license_expiration_date.\n\nSelect "OK" to correct your clock and try again.
15088 License Period Help
15089 To run this software, your clock must be set to ^license_earliest_date or later.\n\nSelect "Cancel" to correct your clock and try again.\n\nSelect "OK" to run this software with your current clock up to ^license_grace_launch_count more times.
15090 To run this software, your clock must be set to ^license_earliest_date or later.\n\nSelect "Cancel" to correct your clock and try again.\n\nOtherwise you may run this software with your current clock one last time by selecting "OK".
15091 It appears that your computer's clock was set back. This is not permitted because this software is licensed for a limited time.\n\nIf you have traveled to a different time zone, try setting the Time Zone instead of adjusting the time.
15092 The license card you inserted cannot update the iLok (serial # ^ilok_serial_number) because of a configuration error. Please contact technical support for this software.
15093 The license card you inserted cannot update the iLok (serial # ^ilok_serial_number) because the card specifies an older license period.\n\nPlease remove the license card and insert the one with a newer license period.
15094 The license card you inserted cannot update the iLok (serial # ^ilok_serial_number) because the card specifies the same license period.\n\nPlease remove the license card and insert the one with a newer license period.
15095 The response entered is expired. You need a new response in order to continue using this software.\n\nPress "OK" to enter a new response or "Cancel" to continue.
15096 The serial number entered is expired. You need a new serial number in order to continue using this software.\n\nPress "OK" to enter a new serial number or "Cancel" to continue.
15097 Cannot generate a license because the challenge string is missing.
15098 Cannot generate a license because the product ID string is missing.
15099 Cannot generate a license because the product specified was not found.
15100 Cannot generate a license because the challenge is for a different product.
15101 The challenge specified is invalid.
15102 This application is configured for automatic internet activation, however the internet Config Extension is not installed.\n\nYou can still manually activate your software by pressing the OK button.
15103 This application is configured for automatic internet activation, however this feature requires Mac OS 8.6.\n\nYou can still manually activate your software by pressing the OK button.
15104 ^product appears to be damaged or missing required components.
15105 Please reinstall ^product from the original distribution.
15106 Invalid InterLok options file.
15107 ^product requires a PACE-issued cryptographic certificate. To obtain a certificate, please run the InterLok Authorizer application.
15108 The license file selected is expired. You need a new license file in order to continue using this software.\n\nPress "OK" to enter a new license file or "Cancel" to continue.
15109 The license file you selected is expired. You need a new license file in order to continue using this software.
15110 The license file selected is incorrect. Press "OK" to enter a new license file or "Cancel" to continue.
15111 The license file selected is incorrect. Authorization for this software can't be installed until the correct license file is provided.
15112 ^product requires that Mac OS X version 10.1.3 or greater is installed to run.
15113 This application requires a PACE-issued cryptographic certificate. The certificate cound not be found on this machine. Please contact PACE support.
15114 Error connecting to the server because the "ilinet.dll" library could not be loaded.
15115 This software requires an authorized smart card to run, but this machine's operating system or hardware cannot read smart cards.
15116 This software requires an authorized smart card to run, but the libraries required to read smart cards are not installed.
15117 An error occured while communicating with the smart card. Please try again.
15118 Cannot generate a license because it contains an iLok challenge, which is currently not supported.
15119 The license request specified belongs to another PACE licensee. You do not have the authority or cryptographic information needed to generate a signed license response.
15120 The smart card presented is invalid. Press "OK" to present a new smart card or "Cancel" to continue.
15121 The smart card presented is incorrect. Authorization for this software can't be installed until the correct smart card is presented.
15122 The smart card presented is expired. You need a new smart card in order to continue using this software.\n\nPress "OK" to present a new smart card or "Cancel" to continue.
15123 The smart card you presented is expired. You need a new smart card in order to continue using this software.
15124 The RSA key provided was invalid.
15125 This application cannot be run because the cryptographic key or PACE-issued certificate installed on this system is invalid. Please contact PACE support for instructions on how to resolve this problem.
15126 This application cannot be run because the cryptographic key data installed on this system does not match the certificate issued by PACE. Please contact PACE support for instructions on how to resolve this problem.
15127 The iLok you inserted contains a demo authorization. Press OK to install a full authorization.
15128 A smart card must be presented in order to complete the last operation. Please present your smart card and try again.
15129 The license file you selected is invalid. Authorization for the product associated with this license can't be installed until a valid license file is provided.
15130 Access to the internet activation server is forbidden (HTTP status ^status_string).\n\nPress OK to manually activate your software.
15131 The internet activation server has an invalid certificate (error number ^activation_error_number).\n\nPress OK to manually activate your software.
15132 An error occurred with the internet activation server. ^activation_error_text (error number ^activation_error_number).\n\nPress OK to manually activate your software.
15133 The encoding associated with the specified XML document is unsupported.
15134 Your iLok appears to be corrupted and must be replaced.
15135 The response could not be used on any currently installed iLok. This can happen if the iLok that generated the challenge is not present or if a new challenge was generated. Please install the correct iLok or contact the software publisher for support.